Who is NeoBio?

Let me know what you think SSELTZER@YAHOO.COM


Hey Everyone!  Thanks for checkin out my page, hope you liked my baby! First off I gotta give a big thanks to my DAD for helping me out with a lot of the work and for letting me use his shop.  Here is a pic of his Harley Davidson.  Please try and not drool on your keyboard! <:o)


Well, where to start??  My name is Brad.  I am 19 years old and a student at Baylor University in Waco, Texas.  I attended High School in Stamford Texas, Home of the Bulldogs!  I played Catcher on the Baseball team all 4 years and was active in alot of other academic events.  (Yes, yes I was on the math team!  But I am not a damn nerd!) 

I got my Cavalier in November of '99.  I owe her current condition to a cheating girlfriend and boredom.  In October of '00 a 1 1/2 year relationship ended and...well freed up quite a lot of otherwise WASTED funds!  So my baby is now a sweet '00 Cavy that never does me wrong!  This is also how I got the name NeoBio.  It is Greek for NEW LIFE, I got a chance at a new life...that is the way I think about everyday: as a new life.

I plan on showing some...although there aren't many chances in Texas!  I mainly do it for the self satisfaction...it is art to me.  I get to create...it is awesome.  I love the community that surrounds J-Body.  I'd be a liar if I didn't include the compliments (mainly from persons of the female persuasion) in my list of reasons why!

Well that is probably more about me than you would ever hope to know!  Drop me an email with any and all questions...I love to talk about my car!  ...or anything else for that matter! 

Here is one of my SR pictures from October of '98 and my prom pic from April of '99.  I think this is like the last picture I have of myself (please don't laugh!)  Any J-Body ladies interested, my email is at the top of EVERY page!